b'BENDHEIM IN THE MEDIAArchitectural Digest: The Innovative Material Developed for DavidThe Architects Newspaper: THROUGH A SCAN, DARKLY | Tech-Savvy Wall Adjayes Museum of African American History and Culture Coverings and Interior SurfacesAdjaye and his team didnt settle for on-the-market options whenLamberts Mouth-Blown Reamy | Bendheim | These sheets of glass were selecting glass for the museums court. Instead, they teamed withmouth-blown and then flattened by the heat of an 800F oven. The process fourth-generation family-run glassmakers Bendheim to develop a customcreates a motif that resembles glassy currents moving across the surface of copper-infused material. a lake.The New York Times: CURRENTS | Glass Can Improve the Look of Cabinets World Architects: The Bible Behind GlassNew glass inserts can change the look of old cabinets or enhance theMany high-profile applications of Bendheim channel glass draw attention style of new ones. Bendheim, a company that specializes in glass cabinetto the materials translucent properties, using it to filter natural light during inserts, offers more than 100 types and patterns of glass in various texturesthe day and act like a lantern at night.and colors.The Construction Specifier: Designing Translucent Facades with Glass | See-The New York Times: WHERE TO FIND IT | Old Glass, New and OldThrough RainscreensLike glass in the 18 thand 19 thcenturies, Restoration Glass is made withThese evolving solutions are designed for strength, ability to withstand a blowpipe, resulting in distortions and imperfections. For more than aadverse weather conditions, and never-before-seen aesthetic possibilities.decade, it has become increasingly popular with architects, historical societies and homeowners.Construction Canada: Glass Rainscreen Systems Enhance the Building EnvelopeMartha Stewart Living TV Show: Field TripA properly designed rainscreen system can improve esthetics and A most amazing collection When I come here, I get so many ideas foreffectively protect the building envelope from moisture penetration.the glass. Its just wonderful.Commercial Architecture: Channel Glass Leads Visitors to FortHome Again with Bob Villa: Manhattan Remodel Bendheims frame design removes the need for vertical metal supports, This is Bendheims; its called SatinTech its not a sandblasted product,allowing walls of uninterrupted channel glass, including glass-to-glass which is interesting, because, from the maintenance perspective, its a lotcorners in a variety of angles.easier to keep it clean Architectural Products: Ditch the Fish Bowl DIY Network | I Hate My Kitchen: Boring Gone Bold Bendheims +2 Collection offers glass that eliminates the fish bowl effect [The glass inserts and the metal inserts] look amazing. Reusing the oldin corporate settings. The light-diffusing laminated safety glass maintains cabinets saved them thousands. daylight advantages while controlling views and noise.DIY Network: BATHtastic! | Of Nerves and Nature | Spa-Like Bathroom Renovation Glass Magazine: Great Glazing | Museum of the BibleThe glass will stand up to the test of time in this bathroom A 22-foot-tall channel glass wall defines the museums entrance and arcadeBendheim.com | 233'