Images – It is highly recommended that all images uploaded are less than 1mb in size. You can reduce an image’s file size by opening it in a photo editing tool and saving it for web use. We have a plugin enabled that will compress images less than 1mb to an even smaller image size without losing any image quality.
Image Naming – It is recommended that the name of each image contains a keyword such as the type of glass or project name. You can then search by that project name or glass type when viewing the media and choosing images to easily find what you are looking for.
Media Categories – Inside Media -> MCM Categories, you can add new categories to sort media files by. An example would be creating a media category for Colored Glass. Then when you are editing a Glass or Project, you can choose to view all the images inside that category.
Login – You can access the admin panel by logging in here:
Currently, Glass is called “Products” because they are what we are selling. We are looking into ways to rename this. For now, please understand Products are Glass.
How to add/edit Projects.
How to add/edit Wall Systems.
System Products
How to add/edit System Products.